Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 1:24 AM

Help mummy in the morning :D Goodgirl kay . About 10plus jiu leave her there and went chinatown salon and practice my highlight than principal call me do customer i don't want as today v.sleepy marhzxc than she nagg me alot of crap in the end say later your mother sad cause pay so much money le than you don't want do blablabla luhs than i say her back don't come use parents luhs she diamdiam and walk away -.- Afterthat practice finish le, pack my things hao le went jinlong to buy my things to put scissors want cost $20 buck :x Brought le than went mrt meet the contact lens person take liao jiu went take mrt to tampines meet zhiqin, renee, wanghong, alvin and jessie derh in the end they still at safra so meet them safra norhzxc than went home change first in the end they say meet at expo -.- So meet them straight at expo norhzxc . We having fun in expo siol ! Eat and play alot yeah :D ! After expo, jessie and alvin went home . Renee, wanghong and zhiqin came my house . Renee and wanghong wash abit hair than me and zhiqin washing our hair like what norhzxc it's long since we like that wash hair le :) Hao le take cab down to east coast than traffic jam so get of the cab from bedok jetty there walk until mac siol ): Meet jessie and alvin le rent bicycle ride and play norhzxc . Afterthat, thanks to alvin lim luhs as they pei me ride back to tamp than they go return bicycle marhzxc, alvin lim bring us ride the long way .__. Damn tired want norhzxc ! Passby 209 saw jierui, shawn & co :x Went HSH . Wanna sleep le damn sleepy want norhzxc . Now is AM le neh ):Replied Tags:
Guest: Hahaah, trying to smile le :x Need times to smile truly out anyway thanks oh :D
SarahhT: Thankthanks <: I lose your link le oh :/Give me again , paiseh .
Labels: It's a great day .
Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Thankyouu, seaweed .
Heheeh (put smallsmall bleahhh)
When help mum in the morning damn boring luhs so buy newspaper and find job :D Mummy help me find too , heheeh ! Afterthat, call some but some say my age cannot .__. Than some say go interview . So take bus home, bath and prepare everything le meet zhiqin at century square there than go interview for the supercut they say 45 min later they will call me come back for interview so me and zhiqin went walkwalk and went niwa sushi eat :D After about 1hour they still heaven call fcuk their whole family siah . Than sua norhzxc, we jiu go tm1 , tm, century square all also ask cause nothing do marhzxc . Tm1 maybe hiring me they say tomorrow go down again and confirm . Tm want reds office say full :x Jean yip actually going hired me liao but in the end i say part-time want than their face shagg diao and a girl v.cute luhs me and zhiqin keep laughing and smiling at her . Than went century square want ask storm zhiqin say their cutting v.ugly -.- than i at there gong diao siol . Went i*con ask, wa's their lady boss like v.good siah i only ask they wanna hired people than she pull me go in the shop and say go help a girl wash hair i gong siah than she keep smiling at me <: I*con people's all v.good neh not v.anti-social while i washing a girl whisper to me put shampoo more for this girl as she damn step siah . And damn fat ! Wash finish, the lady boss she she will call me . Afterthat, me and zhiqin went simei look norhzxc, there cannot make it siah no people want so never interview went walkwalk and saw a salon their walls look like break off le at first we keep laughing damn loud but actually is their design funny kay ! Take bus back to my house that time zhiqin keep diao a guy luhs cause something happen damndamn funny but better not say if not later she kill me :/ Reach home watch tv and use computer :D Afterthat, something happen to our family zhiqin see liao she shock tio :x Don't say about it le D:
Replied Tags: Ling: Haohao :D
Evee: My friend help me do want , sorry i don't know :x I lose blog link already so don't have .
Labels: How i wish that you'll will be at myside lending me your shoulder to cry .
Sunday, May 23, 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Blog seems to be deadd :x So now come update awhile :) Whole day morning at home as waiting for my lovely mummy cook cause she damn long never cook give us eat le norhzxc ! Miss it man . Meet shawn and dexter at 2.45pm at TM . Meet le actually wanna watch movie want but shawn can't as he today need book in camp early so bobian norhzxc . Go play arcade and go eat the ice-cream yogurt not nice want lorh thanks to dexter luhs say want bring me go eat ice-cream in the end is yogurt want, eat abit le jiu don't want if i eat more i think should be will vomit out buhs :/ And jianming and shiwei come find me as jianming pay me the $20.50 as that time paly blackjack. Afterthat shawn went home le, than me and dexter went century square watch movie once a gangster quite nice too :D Watch finish dexter went home as he also need book in camp . So went guojun house see got disc lend me watch anot and chit-chat awhile than went home :D
This date i never forget it's the day our family lose one life ): Sad, it's been gone 5 months but everytime i saw the toilet i remember everything once again ! ): HOW THE WHOLE FAMILY CRIED WHEN WE HEAR IT'S GONE ! ]:
Replied Tags:
Jonathan Biebier:Thankthanks :D
Labels: I miss you so much but there's nothing i can do
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Late for school today almost cannot go in siol :x Second period, english see our exam result suck man ! Although i pass but it's not my standard ): Recess, in class use computer . Third period, chinese watch movie and eat pocky :D ! Fourth period, maths go through paper fail for maths fcuk up luhs ): Whole class fail only two pass but just pass niah :x First time fail neh shagg norhzxc . Fifth and Sixth period, ebs went computer lab do the NE quiz quite fun luhs it's actually playing game <: End school liao, went home bath and prepare than went down to chinatown . Went give jason his birthday present he say he like it *happyhappy . Than he try let me see quite nice neh :D Afterthat, he and eric help me dye my hair . Now my hair is like golden and abit of bleaching . Dye finish went down sengkang to find zhiqin and tapao food to her house eat than her father talk to me alot :x Laughs . Eat finish, take bus back to tampines norhzxc . She come my house use computer and watch tv . Went 209 awhile meet guojun as he wanna see my maths paper -.- It's lousy luh i know :x Than slack awhile i saw him :/ Too miss him buh and saw 2 ambulance and it remind me of mummy that time happened it's he the one who pei me all the while i really miss that time who you hugg me when i'm crying about that thing happen .
Replied Tags:
Ling: Welcome . Hmmmm, fine buh ? :D
Xiaojacq: Linked <:
Trish: I got uhhh [: LOL,wanna quarrel uh .
Cherie: Laughs, welcome :)
Weikiat: Thanks :D
Xiaovass Sex-Partner: Thanks my dear :)
Labels: Holiday le norhzxc .
Monday, May 17, 2010 @ 4:08 PM

Finally finish exam :D ! Late for school again :x Today exam is oral , chinese oral damn difficult luhs ! Finish chinese oral le than went mac eat with xiaoniao, jianming, wilson and kenneth . Eat finish le meet zhiqin at 7 eleven awhile than we went in school for english oral damndamn easy :D ! So finish oral le went canteen find zhiqin and they were gambling with cards <: So i join in too at first lose $1 want than i be banker and i win their money $11 after that N.A need go chinese oral le than me, wilson, jianming and kenneth gamble norhzxc . I be banker also and wilson and jianming lose alot siol . Wilson lose $35 to me and jianming lose $10.50 to me :D Heheeh ! Today v.lucky siol even i help zhiqin take card she also can win :) After play finish le me and zhiqin went tm as i wanna buy jason birthday present marhzxc . So renee came too and we went eat and that buy jason present i brought him a formal shirt it cause $39.90 . His gonna let me beat le worx . Heheeh !
I really siah , if you who will you choose sisters or boyf ? If me i really hope i can choose both but i know if i choose one i need give up another one ): What should i do tell me my brain is mixed up . And i don't know what happen to those two guys they are really weird keep like .. i also don't know how say too . This few day people's treat me good but they all seems weird i don't know what they planning to do or what . Concern me, do they truly concern or planning something ? Love me, do they really love me or what ? I really don't know phobia le buhs :x Haiii, tell me what to do canns ? ): I remember that time the guy hugg me when i really tired and sleep he lend me his warmth shoulder :D But don't know isit he treat me truly anot :/ But no matter who love me i don't think right now i should accept it as i really blurr of those people's . Let times go and i'll will know who truly treat me good norhzxc so easy as abc <: As i really still can't forget him so i don't wanna accept others to hurt them .
Replied Tags:
Tony: I thinking niah buh as i wanna cover up AI . Not sure too :D Maybe after N level buh :)
Trish: Don't want neh : D Bleahhhh :P
Labels: Who truly treat me good i really don't know .
Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 11:55 PM

This few days didn't blog as lazy and go out than v.late le so never update my blog :D Today whole day is slack norhzxc . Went 209, guojun house slack with shawn and zhiqin luhs . Funny luhs guojun mother keep telling us about guojun things . Until now than come back as sick nose blocked and throat pain ): Lazy say more liao luhs . Yesterday night saw him and i shouted at teckmeng xiaogou than zhiqin tell me he at there than is like die cause he turn back than i faster walk away as i scared later he thought i saying him but the facts is i not shouted you xiaogou is to teckmeng . Than today afternoon saw him again when i wanna go home that time i look at him than he look at my i don't know why i will faster look at the floor :x I wanted to look at you and look into your eyes but i don't know why i don't dare and it's like i just lose you yesterday when it is about 2 months ago le ? Hais, thinking too much again :x
& Happy birthday to my charis aiai ! Love her *wink :)
Replied Tags:
Wanghong: Hahaah, thinking only . Thanks :D
Eirveena: Thanks , you never give me your account how i goona do ? :x
Cassandra Lollipop: Relinked :D
Tony: I thinking niah .
Vanessa Sex-Partner: I not cfm putting lotus narhzxc :D Thinking niah <:
Eda B: What leyyy ! I heaven even put hao marhzxc ! I thinking of cover up AI niah right . Than need fierce marhzxc .
Labels: Sick
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 11:16 AM
The 3 lotus help me choose which nicer yeah :) Give me some comment :D Thankthanks [:
Maths exam paper 2 behind some question v.hard luhs ! Than bring handphone into exam :x And text guojun how do he never reply than hengheng dexter text me so ask him and he give me one answer niah . Exam over than guojun reply :x End exam went home liao . Later going zhiqin house help ah qiang dye hair than going down chinatown . Night maybe jianming and jason going down chinatown pei me go see tattoos <: Come back edited if i not lazy . Heheeh !
Labels: Covering it up
Monday, May 10, 2010 @ 11:44 PM
People's intro my some tattoo design that is nice :D ! As i wanna cover up my chinese word but don't know what to cover as it's in the middle of it :X Help me check too yeah got any nice design tagged me and inform me :D Later maybe meeting guojun for study < : Good girl le kay . Will be chiong-ing my studies & hairstylist right now in need a mood for relationship yet buh . Maybe is cause of his hurt too much . Single also not v.bad too at least got freedom want with who jiu with who right :) . Sometimes still do think of him :x Just now re-watch avatar do you still remember this show ? :x I don't think so buh :/ Cause you won't even come my blog ...
Just study come back niah :D Good girl right study till so late neh not play kays . 7plus meet guojun at 209 study than fcuking hot luhs so went mac study until 8plus zhiqin finally came -.- Her reaching really v.long want hao marhzxc :/ So study till halfway mitchell mother call me talk to me until handphone no battery ! She tell me alot of things . After talk to her finish, me, zhiqin and guojun talking about *something liao . Heheeh ! It's fun disturbing him man cannot say out it's our secret as we promise him don't say liao but never say we cannot distrub him :D
Replied Tags:
Tony: I all the way good person want kay :)
Priscilla: Heheeh ! Hao luhs <:
Labels: Single may not be bad too
Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 1:08 AM
Help mummy work till 11plus than went zhiqin house sleep ( my second house) cheyyy . Heheeh ! Cause damn sleepy so didn't go hairstylist today . Tan zhiqin call me sleep the floor no manners right let guest sleep floor than she sleep bed . Hahaah . So sleep until v.shoick siah suddenly ah qiang wake up blurrblurr ask who me -.- Afterthat, he let me sleep his bed :) Better than zhiqin . Laughs. So in the end can't sleep liao thanks to ah qiang keep sneezing than shareshare bed norhzxc . BUT he sleep below i sleep above niah as we never sleep chit-chat niah . Afterthat wake zhiqin up than she go bath liao than me than ah qiang . Hahah . Bath hao all le take bus 27 to T1 buy mother's day cake afterthat go home put liao go 209 meet ah qiang and his father . So went eat first , eat finish le go 209 study . Guojun help me and zhiqin with those sum we don't know derh . Study till 11plus than pei guojun eat . Eat finish liao went home :)! Finally can sleep . Tired luhs . Replied Tags:Tony: Yeapyeap :) ! Try again next time <:Eirveena: Lol, i don't know your account . Labels: I got two home . Laughs .